51.#Jesus was baptized
Matthew 3 : 13-14, 16-17
Size: 38×47cm
Material: silk thread
Jesus matured in wisdom and stature. God was pleased with Him and so were the people around Him.
At that time, John the Baptist was preaching in the wilderness of Judea. “The kingdom of heaven is near!” he said, “You must repent!” People who lived in Jerusalem, in Judea, and along the Jordan River flocked to hear John. They confessed their sins and were baptized in the waters of the Jordan.
When John was baptizing, Jesus, too, came to the Jordan River from Galilee to be baptized by John.
After Jesus was baptized, He came out of the water. Suddenly the skies opened up, and He saw God's Spirit in the form of a dove descending and landing on Him. A voice from the sky said, “This is My Son, whom I love. With Him, I am well pleased.”
Yes, Jesus is God’s beloved Son. God takes delight in Him. Jesus is 100% God and He was born into this world to become 100% man. He took our mistakes, bore the cross, and shed His blood to cleanse humans from their sins. He was willing to lay aside the riches of heaven to empathize with the weaknesses of humankind. Though He was God’s beloved Son, He humbled Himself and condescended to our level.
The sum of the law is not hate, but love. Jesus came to fulfill all the requirements of the law regarding righteousness that no human being could ever fulfill.