50.#Jesus Nativity Doctor Comes to Worship

Matthew 2 : 1, 11
Size: 38×47cm
Material: silk thread

Jesus was born in the town of Bethlehem in the region of Judea when King Herod ruled over the land. A few scholars from the East came to Jerusalem. They asked, “Where is that newborn King of the Jews? We saw a star in the eastern sky - a sign of His birth - and we have come to worship Him.”
The star guided the scholars to the place Jesus was staying. When the scholars entered the house and saw Mary with baby Jesus, they kneeled down and worshiped Him. Then, they opened their bags and presented their gifts: Gold, frankincense, and myrrh.
Through the guidance of a star, the scholars traveled all the way from the East to Bethlehem. Perhaps they did not know about the history of Israel, unaware of the prophet Isaiah’s prophecies concerning the Messiah. However, through studying the signs in the sky, they knew that the Savior King of the human race was about to be born. Because of this, they did not mind the long and tiring journey they needed to take in order to come and worship Jesus. They also brought meaningful gifts for Him. Gold was a gift fit for kings. Frankincense was a gift used for anointing godly people. Myrrh was a gift given to people who were about to die.
Jesus was born into the human race. His birth marked the beginning of His death. But His death marked the beginning of life for the human race.

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