48. #build temple

1 Kings 6 : 2, 37-38
Size: 38×47cm
Material: silk thread

The country was strong and rich during Solomon’s reign. It also enjoyed safety and peace. At the time, the people still sacrificed at the local shrines. Hence, Solomon decided to build a temple for the LORD God.
Solomon had cedar and pine logs sent from Tyre. He ordered everyone to go to the mountains to cut big and precious stones. He also found talented carpenters from Israel, Gebal, and Hiram to get the stones and the logs ready for building the temple. The inside of the temple for the LORD God was 90 feet long, 30 feet wide, and 45 feet high.
Solomon finished building the LORD God’s temple in seven years. He then put all the gold, silver, and artifacts that his father David had set apart as holy in the temple's treasury.
Priests carried the Ark of the Covenant that had accompanied the Israelites all the way from Egypt to Canaan into the inner sanctuary, the Holy of Holies. When they emerged from the temple, a cloud filled the temple with God’s glory.
A big mountain can be displaced and a small hill can be dislodged. But the loving kindness of God will never leave us. God does not go back on previously made promises. The pillar of fire and the pillar of cloud are here to stay.

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