46.#Solomon judges with wisdom

1 Kings 3 : 16-28
Size: 38×47cm
Material: silk thread

God appeared to Solomon in a dream one night and said to him, “What would you like Me to give you? You only have to ask.” Solomon replied, “Lord, You have made me king to succeed my father David. But I am still young and I barely know all there is to know about this job. So, please give me wisdom so that I can lead Your people well and discern good from evil.” Upon hearing this, God gave Solomon what he had asked for.
One day, two women were fighting over a baby, each saying that they were the baby’s mother. Solomon gave orders for someone to bring a sword to split the baby in half and give one half to each person. Because the baby’s real mother did not want to see her baby die, she asked the king to give the baby to the other woman. By this gesture, King Solomon was able to identify the baby's real mother. Solomon’s judgment was praised throughout the land.
God gave Solomon unprecedented wisdom and a generous heart.
What is wisdom? The Greeks say it is the ability to know the essence of things or the truth. The Hebrews believe the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.
It is our duty to fear the Lord and keep the Lord’s commandments because God will judge everything we do. The all-knowing Judge will even judge everything that is hidden, whether good or bad.
