45.#David swore Solomon to be king

1 Kings 1 : 38-39
Size: 38×47cm
Material: silk thread

David greatly grieved for his sin and repented before the Lord. God took away the first son David had with Bathsheba. Afterward, Bathsheba had another son and they named him Solomon. God loved Solomon and chose him to succeed David as king. Zadok the priest took a flask of anointing oil from the sanctuary and anointed Solomon. People began to blow their trumpets made from ram’s horn and everyone shouted, “Long live King Solomon!” Then, they cheered and celebrated.
The biggest surprise here is that although Bathsheba became David’s wife through adultery, she later became the mother of a king. Her name is also mentioned in the genealogy of Jesus Christ and she is among the few women listed in there.
The Bible does not record how Bathsheba felt as the wife of King David. However, her love for Solomon and her desire to protect him are evident. David promised to name Solomon as his successor after hearing Bathsheba’s plea. Furthermore, God still extended favor to Solomon despite his parents’ infamous marriage.
Indeed, God does not judge by outward appearances. The Righteous Judge will not despise a broken heart and a contrite spirit. God will always forgive a penitent sinner.

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