43.#Defeat the Arameans

2 Samuel 8 : 3-6, 13; 10
Size: 38×47cm
Material: silk thread

When David became king, he defeated Hadadezer, the king of Zobah. The Aramean army came all the way from Damascus to help the king of Zobah, but David wiped them out as well.
At the time, the king of the Ammonites died and the king’s son, Hanun, succeeded him. Because Hanun’s father had treated David well, David sent his men to the country of Ammon to send his condolences. However, Hanun heard some slanderous comments about David and believed them. He began to suspect that the men David had sent were spies. Hence, he humiliated these men by shaving off their beards and cutting off their robes.
Hanun realized his mistakes later on, but refused to apologize. He knew David was furious at him for this incident and he was afraid David might take revenge. Therefore, Hanun rallied the Arameans to go to war against the Israelites. From then on, it was one mistake after another.
The Israelite army was very strong and each soldier was willing to be the city’s knight-in-shining-armor. David defeated the Arameans because God gave him victory wherever he went.
We must get along with others as much as possible. However, there is a season for everything under the sun. There is a season for war and there is a season for peace. Besides asking for discernment, we must pray for God’s will to be done.

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