41.#Samuel anoints David

1 Samuel 16 : 4-5, 11-13
Size: 38×47cm
Material: silk thread

God sent the prophet Samuel to Bethlehem to anoint the son of Jesse who would succeed Saul as king of Israel.
When Samuel arrived at Jesse’s house and saw Eliab, one of Jesse’s sons, he thought, “Surely, this is the one God has chosen.”
But God told Samuel, “Don't be impressed by his strong build and good looks, I’ve already eliminated him. God judges things differently from humans. Humans look at outward appearances, but God looks at the heart.”
Jesse ordered his servants to go and find his youngest son, David, who was tending sheep outside, so that he could join the others at the table. David was a good-looking, bright-eyed, and healthy young man. God told Samuel, “He is the one. Go and anoint him.” Samuel took his flask of anointing oil and anointed David in front of his brothers. From that day on, the Spirit of God empowered David.
Impressive outward appearances, such as wearing designer clothes and expensive jewelry, have become society’s way of judging a person’s value. However, outward appearances can never disguise inward poverty and emptiness. True self-confidence and self-worth are built on self-acceptance and on the understanding that God is the source of one’s life. The Creator of the universe created everyone in the divine image; that is why we are all magnificent - just a step behind the angels.

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