39.#Five kings' coalition attack on Gibeon, the sun and the moon stop

Joshua 10 : 10-13
Size: 38×47cm
Material: silk thread

The walls of Jericho came tumbling down! The city of Ai was destroyed! The people of Gibeon, a big city, surrendered without a fight! The Canaanites were frightened of the Israelites. So, the five kings of Canaan decided to form an alliance and organize a joint army to attack the people of Gibeon. The people of Gibeon had made a covenant with the Israelites.
True to his promises, Joshua decided to go and defend Gibeon. God reassured Joshua, “Don't be afraid. I will help you defeat them.”
Joshua fervently prayed, “Sun, stay put over Gibeon. Moon, don’t come out from Aijalon Valley.” Sure enough, the sun and the moon did not move until the Israelites finished off their enemies. On that day and for a whole day, the sun did not go down but stayed put over Gibeon.
God is our banner. Our Savior fights for us even when the difficulties seem insurmountable and the missions seem impossible. Nothing is impossible for God. In our times of need, God’s love and power can counter the laws of nature if needed and change something impossible to possible. Our Wonderful Creator is able to transform useless stuff into amazing tools.

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