38.#The walls of Jericho collapsed

Joshua 6 : 16, 20
Size: 38×47cm
Material: silk thread

At Jericho, the city gates were shut up tight. No one could go in or come out.
God told Joshua : “The people must circle this city once a day for six days. As you circle this city, seven priests must walk in front of the Ark of the Covenant, carrying seven trumpets made from ram’s horns. On the seventh day, the people must circle the city seven times. Have the priests blow their trumpets then. At the sound of the trumpets, the people must shout at the top of their lungs. Then, the city walls will collapse and the people can run straight into the city.”
Joshua and the Israelites did exactly what God told them to do and everything happened just as God had said.
The Israelites’ faith had gradually been built up after witnessing God’s saving power. However, they were still intimidated by the sheer size of the Canaanites. The Canaanites, after all, had chariots and horses and the city seemed impregnable. In contrast, the Israelites looked like a band of old, weak, and tired soldiers. How on earth could they defeat their enemies?
On that day, God was the Israelite army’s commander-in-chief. God personally gave the orders for battle. The Almighty’s battle strategy on that day must have seemed ridiculous. How could blowing trumpets and circling a city win a battle?
However, neither Joshua nor the people doubted God. They fully obeyed God’s orders. The fear of the Lord is demonstrated by obeying God’s commands.

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