37.#Joshua led the people across the Jordan River

Joshua 3 : 15-17
Size: 38×47cm
Material: silk thread

After Moses died, God chose Joshua, the son of Nun, to lead the Israelites into Canaan.
The east end of the Jordan River is dried up. Standing on top of Mount Nebo, one can see the city of Jericho lying close by. Jericho is a place with plenty of streams, green trees and pastures. The sheep have plenty of grass to eat and the bees are busy making honey. Yes, this is the Promised Land - the land referred to as a place flowing with milk and honey.
The rushing waters of the Jordan stood between the Israelites and the land of Canaan. They must cross it first in order to enter Canaan.
God’s Ark of the Covenant traveled with the Israelites. As soon as the Israelites dipped their feet into the waters of the Jordan River, the current coming down towards them from the mountains stopped flowing and the current flowing towards the Salt Sea also stopped. The water piled up in two heaps and the people were able to cross the river and enter the city of Jericho. The priests who carried the Ark of the Covenant stood in the middle of the dried-up Jordan River until all the people had crossed over.
The lessons of faith are more or less the same. God is always ready to bless us, but we are the ones determining whether or not we actually receive the blessings in store for us. Without faith, it is impossible to please God. Faith means taking action even before the fulfillment of a promise. It means praising and thanking God for the things God will do even before we see the promise fulfilled.

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