35.#God promises to be with the people

Exodus 33 : 9-10
Size: 38×47cm
Material: silk thread

The Israelites were stubborn and they worshiped idols. God regretted having been with them and would not accompany them into the land of Canaan. The Almighty feared wiping them out on the way there because of their disobedience.
When the people heard about this, they removed all their jewelry and became sorrowful.
Whenever Moses entered the Tent of Meeting, a pillar of cloud would cover the entrance of the Tent. God would speak to Moses face to face, just like friends speaking to one another.
“If I’m special to You, please let me in on Your plans so that I can really know You,” Moses said to God, “And don’t forget that these people are Your people. Please go with us to this new land.”
Once again, we see the heart of a genuine leader in Moses. Even though God promised to bless and prosper Moses’ family, Moses still would not give up on any one of the people that God had given him to lead.
Once again, God was filled with compassion and He forgave the Israelites’ stubbornness. The Faithful One promised to accompany them all the way.
During the day, God’s pillar of cloud hung over the Tent of Meeting. During the night, there would be fire within the pillar of cloud. All of this was in full view of the Israelites throughout their journey.

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