32.#God commanded Moses to strike the rock and produce water

Exodus 17 : 5-6
Size: 38×47cm
Material: silk thread

The Israelites walked in the desert. The scorching heat made them very impatient and they were very hungry and thirsty. So, they began to complain.
“Give us meat to eat! Did you bring us out to the desert to starve to death?” They whined. “Give us water to drink! Did you bring us out from Egypt to die of thirst?”
The hardships of the desert made the Israelites forget all the ill treatment they had received in Egypt. All they remembered was how they sat around a big pot of simmering stew and ate until they were full. Their longing for food made them forget how God had just turned the bitter waters of Marah sweet. They forgot how God had rained down bread from heaven and caused quails to fly in and cover the camp. Because of the lack of water, the Israelites almost stoned Moses to death.
God told Moses, “Strike the rock and water will flow out for the people to drink.” Moses followed God's instructions and sure enough, a refreshing stream of water poured out from the rock.
People often forget to praise God when their life is going well. However, they do not think twice about complaining to God when they are suffering. Despite this, God’s anger lasts only a moment and the Divine’s kindness lasts a lifetime. The Faithful One will patiently wait for people to repent and grow up.

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