31. #Throw the Egyptians into the sea

Exodus 13, 14, 15 : 4-5
Size: 38×47cm
Material: silk thread

Pharaoh promised to let the Israelites go after experiencing ten plagues. However, his heart became stubborn soon after their departure and he regretted letting the Israelites leave Egypt. Hence, he called his whole army together and began to pursue the Israelites.
The Israelites had moved on from Succoth and had camped in the desert. By day, God went ahead of them in a thick cloud. By night, God gave them light by appearing in a flaming fire. This allowed them to travel even at night.
The Israelites came to the Red Sea. Behind them, they saw an army in hot pursuit. Before them, they faced the roaring sea and the giant waves. The Israelites were scared to death!
However, they saw Moses raise his staff towards the sea and a powerful east wind began to blow. The seawaters retreated in one night and the sea became dry ground! Their eyes filled with amazement, boys and girls along with young and old joyfully took their first steps of faith. They placed their feet in the sea and could not believe they were walking on hard and dry ground.
However, the sea swallowed up all of Pharaoh’s army and his chariots. They disappeared like stones cast into a deep end of the ocean.
The Israelites were saved! Taking off the yokes of slavery, they tasted freedom for the first time in ages. Then, they began a new journey where God would purify their lives to the utmost.

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