21 .#Jacob's Ladder

Genesis 28 : 10-22
Size: 38×47cm
Material: silk thread

Jacob fled home because he feared that Esau would take revenge on him for what he did.
After a while, he came to a place. Since the sun had already set, he took a rock, set it under his head, and went to sleep.
Jacob dreamed of a stairway that reached all the way from the ground to the sky. There were angels going up and down on it and God was at the top of the stairway. God said, “I am with you. Wherever you go, I will protect you. I will bring you back to this very place. I will be with you all the way through until I have accomplished everything I promised you.”
Jacob was a lonely traveler in the wilderness who carried a load of guilt. At night, he either heard the sound of wolves howling from afar or had constant nightmares. However, God chose this very season in Jacob’s life to appear to him and promised to never leave him. Furthermore, God promised to bring Jacob back to his hometown.
Jacob woke up from his sleep in awe. He said, “God is truly in this place and I didn’t even know it! This place is God’s house - the Gate of Heaven.”
We often believe that God lives inside magnificent cathedrals. It surprises us to find the Almighty “here” - among natural disasters, human tragedies, the sick and the poor, the old and the young, the women, the oppressed, and among the ordinary people. God is truly here - comforting the oppressed and keeping all the promises God made to them.

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