18 .#Responsible by Abimelech

Genesis 26 : 6-11
Size: 38×47cm
Material: silk thread

Isaac and Rebekah lived in Gerar. Since Rebekah was very beautiful, Isaac was afraid that her beauty would get him into trouble. He thought that the people living there might kill him to get her. So, Isaac lied to the people by saying that Rebekah was his sister.
One day, Abimelech, the king of the Philistines, looked out his window and saw the couple hugging and kissing. He discovered that Rebekah was in reality Isaac’s wife.
Isaac’s fear prompted him to lie. This lie reveals one of his character flaws: He did not have the courage to protect his wife. This flaw also reveals that Isaac lacked faith in God. He dared not believe that God would be with human beings during times of danger, making everything work out for their good.
In contrast to Isaac, Abimelech was more righteous. He openly pointed out Isaac's mistake and quickly took action to prevent sin from flourishing. Abimelech gave orders to his people, “Anyone who so much as lays a hand on this man or his wife will surely die.”
Humans often believe that a lie can cover up the truth. In reality, whatever is hidden will sooner or later be revealed. Honesty is the best policy. It is only when we are honest with others, with ourselves, and with God that our wounds will truly heal. It is only through honesty that the weaknesses in our lives stand a chance to become strengths.

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