8.#God's Sentence

Genesis 3 : 14, 16-17, 19
Size: 38×47cm
Material: silk thread

They lived to regret it! In a momentary lapse of judgment, Adam and Eve did not resist the Devil’s temptation and ate the forbidden fruit.
God is holy and just and never self-contradictory. Hence, God must pronounce their sentence. “I will multiply your pains in childbirth and you will give birth to your babies in pain,” God said to Eve. “You will want to please your husband, but he will lord it over you.” To Adam, God said, “You will get your food the hard way - laboring painfully all day long. That will be your lot until you return to the ground. You started out as dirt and you will end up as dirt again.”
Righteous in judgment and fair in sentencing, God did not waver in handing down divine judgment on Adam and Eve. But God is ultimately a God of kindness and compassion too. Despite the agony, seeing the safe delivery of a baby can make a woman forget the pains of childbirth and fill her with joy. Though a man’s toils may be tough, he builds self-confidence and self-esteem through his toils. He finds purpose in life and God’s presence through his hard work under the sun.
God loves humans so much that a Savior Son was given to them. God is always at work for the good of those who love God.

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