6. # The first ancestor was tempted to disobey the commandment

Genesis 3 : 6
Size: 38×47cm
Material: silk thread

The woman saw that the fruit from that tree was good food and very appealing to the eye. It could also make a person wise. And so, she took it, ate it, and gave some to her husband. He also ate it.
When contrasted with the light, the woman's shadow (as shown in the drawing) seems to hide a snake. There is a branch representing the Tree-of-the Knowledge-of-Good-and-Evil at the center of the drawing. Resting on a branch of the Tree, the snake with a woman's head coldly stares with contempt at the man with outstretched hands. The man seems indecisive, timid, and defenseless against temptations. The frailty of mankind was evident from the very beginning of life.
From the very moment a human’s mind and eyes were opened, he was able to know good from evil. This act, like opening Pandora’s box, ushered in sin into the Garden. Our ancestors have fallen! The evil serpent began intruding into our lives and eating away every inch of our being until there was no longer any light left in the human heart.
Evil began to take its course from the very moment sin entered into the Garden.

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