5. #God created male and female

Genesis 2 : 21-22
Size: 38×47cm
Material: silk thread

God made Adam in the divine image so that he would reflect divine qualities. Like God, Adam would be passionate and intelligent in managing the earth. Adam would also enjoy the beauty of Eden. But despite Adam’s wisdom and the beauty of Eden, he felt lonely deep down in his heart.
“It is not good for Adam to live alone,” God said. “I will create a helper for him.” And so, God put Adam into a deep sleep. While Adam was sleeping, God took out one of Adam’s ribs and sew Adam's body back together again. From this rib, God created a woman. Like a loving father-of-the-bride, God tenderly led Eve to Adam. God blessed the new couple and told them to love each other all their lives.
We love because God first loved us. God knows our deepest needs - from the needs that we don't know we have to the needs that we don’t know how to express. God meets each of our needs when the right time comes.

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