
Author: Chang Meiyun

Publisher: Published by Taiwan Embroidery Online Art Museum

 Publication date: January 2002

 Binding method: hardcover + paperback

Introduction—The game of stiches—The sequel to the Needle Skill Game of Global Village Embroidery (Volume 3)

Taiwan is in a period of rapid cultural change, and European art can be seen everywhere, but few people know that in the Japanese colonial era, the fifth and sixth graders of elementary school had a hand embroidery course: learning the changes and applications of 57 needle techniques in French embroidery. This book has a very in-depth exploration of the details of the craft professors at that time.
Embroidery research in Byzantium, with the time of entering the royal embroidery warehouse of the Russian Kremlin 5 times in 5 years, to trace the remains of the Eastern Roman Empire, from the study of patterns, the embroidery of Orthodox colossus, and the Russian royal rituals that were deeply influenced by it. Under the old stone steps, there are ghosts older than it. What is this almost forgotten ancient empire—Byzantium? Is it synonymous with a mysterious legend? The Eastern Roman Empire was the original place of production of silk, and the embroidery of Constantinople was considered the most mysterious, expensive and beautiful symbol of the "Oriental" in the West at that time.
And how did the embroidery of Constantinople spread from the East to the West? There is an amazing legend: they came through the beacon!
In the future, embroidery will focus on research and development, and will provide considerable support for the overall construction of the community. The main object of learning is "home-raising young and middle-aged women" to train them to become "personal computer embroidery artists" as pioneers in the development of creative products for embroidery in Taiwan.
In addition, the national embroidery of Belgium-20 hand-painted patterns made of patterns, such single-line lace paintings are very rare in Taiwan.
This book especially introduces a unit-Mrs. Anne Roger's Embroidery House, the latest exhibition arrangement method, let readers understand the protagonist's chronological background, it is worth a glimpse!

Table of contents

Preface text.
One, Embroidery in Taiwan

Japan's substantial education in Taiwan
Professor Details
Grade 5 Textbook Allocation Table
Material shop
Kitchen Apron-Tote Bag and French Embroidery Application
Chart of the total completed works of fifth and sixth graders at the end of the term
Taiwan's works during the Japanese Occupation

Two, Research process of combining digital image transmission and embroidery


Three, Belgium—(lace embroidery) pattern design

1 Design
2 Graphic design

Four. Tears of Cross Embroidery

1Cross Embroidery Series (—) Hand-drawn artwork

Five, the lost Byzantine Empire embroidery

Constantine the Great
Pagan world
Legend of Byzantium
Byzantine embroidery (Byzantine embroidery)
Embroidered portraits of the ancient palace of the Pope in Rome
Patterns of Byzantine Art
Byzantine embroidery art in Russia
The gold thread material used in the embroidery of the Byzantine Empire

Six, the embroidery of the future

The world is getting smaller
The formation of global village embroidery
Future choices
Embossed embroidery (—) the expressive significance of the material
The meaning of Japanese players
Bride’s dowry...Personal computer robot embroidery machine
The training plan of the computer embroiderer
The meaning of Japanese players
Subverting tradition-new embroidery exhibition, 30 pieces in total

Seven, 250 completed acupuncture techniques and anatomical drawings


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