
Author: Chang Meiyun

Publishing: Taiwan Embroidery Art Publishing House

 Publication date: December 1996

 Binding method: hardcover

Version: Chinese, English, Japanese

Preface-President Lee Teng-hui of Taiwan

Art is the most moving way and the best way to spread the Creator's will. Therefore, since ancient times, people have used different forms of art to extol the grace of God. Whether it is painting, dancing, music, or poetry, all of them are showing the harmonious beauty of all things and demonstrating God's ingenuity in creating all things in the universe. Teacher Zhang Meijun chose to embroider. Re-traveling the course of God’s creation with needles and threads not only shows the love of God and the unique beauty of all things in every piece of lifelike embroidery, but also weaves the most sincere promise to God: mutual respect and mutual respect forever. Love. Forgiveness and love are the greatest revelations the Creator has given us. No matter how the times evolve and how society changes, we must respect and love each other and trust each other in order to maintain peace of mind and pursue eternal joy. Located at the intersection of the mainland and the ocean, Taiwan is deeply influenced by Eastern and Western civilizations, and has special historical occasions, making this land a fertile ground for gestating a new culture. Teacher Zhang Meijun’s embroidery art is a model of combining tradition and renewing innovation. The publication of such a book makes us feel gratified about the results of cultural construction, and it also gives us more optimistic expectations for the prospects of cultural development.



Genesis 1 : 1-4

  畫中 上帝是一位台灣人,像極了在田裡面耕作的〝歐吉桑〝,他捲起褲腳,捲起手袖,是一個忙忙碌碌的〝歐吉桑〝。



Genesis 1 : 9, 11



中文版, 英文版, 日文版