30.#God appeared in the bush fire

Exodus 3 : 1-2, 4-6
Size: 38×47cm
Material: silk thread

Although Moses grew up in the luxury of palace life, he could not forget his Hebrew identity. One day, he got himself into trouble by killing an Egyptian.
To save himself, Moses fled to the land of Midian and became a shepherd. One day, while he was shepherding in the wilderness, he came upon God’s mountain - Mount Horeb.
In the middle of nowhere, Moses saw a bush blazing with fire. However, the bush was not consumed in spite of the flames. God appeared to Moses from the flames of the burning bush and said to him, “Don’t come any closer, take off your sandals because you’re standing on holy ground.”
People often plead for God’s appearance and deliverance whenever they are oppressed. God really listens to our prayers and God often draws near from heaven to meet with us. However, Moses hid his face because he was afraid of God.
Wherever God is, that place is holy and filled with glory. God wants people to draw close to the divine and God likes to draw close to people too. However, God cannot change God’s holy character. God is holy, and God’s holiness shames us because we are impure.
A flaming bush that is never consumed is a miracle. However, we should be more impressed by the Miracle-Maker than by the miracle itself. God is a powerful God who always meets us at the desperate points of our lives.

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