#19th century French burning thread embroidery wall decoration

Size: 328×17cm

This long and flawless scroll of 328 cm long and 17 cm wide is a French embroidery with a history of more than 200 years. Various forms of flowers and birds are embroidered on wool. It is surprising that her beauty and nobleness should come from a kind of Wall decoration. Research historians have found that without the Viking pirates of Normandy and various protection measures, it can be said that there would be no prosperity of hand embroidery in the Middle Ages in Europe. After the Battle of Hastings, the historical embroidery of Baiyue in France in 1066 was embroidered on thick linen with dyed wool. The length was about 70.34 meters, but the width was only about 50 cm, and the shape was very special. This long scroll is quite similar to this object.

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