#Japanese Red Leaf Warhorse Warrior

Size: 23×32
Material: pure silk thread, cloth
Author: Professor Chang Meijun

Traveling through the Tokipan Red Leaf War of the Warring States Period, the samurai's sword slashed fiercely on the neck that stood up to block the sword for himself, and blood burst out instantly from the white neck. The life that was as beautiful as a flower bone was as fragile as a piece of paper at the moment. The use of embroidery to describe the dreary Japanese historical war is very dreary and dreary. The color matching is the main thing, and the number of the international DMC standard color card is used; 605, 745, 744, 746, 772, 3747, 211, 3821, 445, 3819, 912, 604, 913, 958, 791, 956 are the colors of war characters in this embroidered painting.

SKU: 1069 Category: