Hand-made production is often a very important selling point for daily necessities, such as food, or slightly higher-priced handicrafts. In the era of AI prevalence, many technologies are replaced by machines and equipment to reduce costs. Also because of the changes of the times, certain techniques disappeared with the decline of older professionals, such as: hand embroidery painting, which is the focus of attention, especially the top magnificent works, such as: Professor Chang Meiyun’s "God Is Embroidering" "(See picture above), the Hestin War in Baiyau, France ( Bayeux the Battle of Hastings), the same It is a long scroll design. The former describes fifty-two biblical stories with hand-embroidered embroidery, and the latter describes how King William of England defeated the challenger for the succession to the throne. Four pieces of linen were embroidered into a record made by Queen Martin Luther.
"God is Embroidering" is embroidered by hand, embroidering with a gradual color scheme with artistic background. It is a rare professional who has the status of a professor. This is the best quality guarantee for collectors.
Beginning in 2020, the COVID-19 war has forced people to change their consumption habits, change their values, and turn their attention to the rise of top-level hand-embroidered paintings. Appreciate the embroidered stitch by stitch, which is buried in the drawing. Classical craftsmanship that disappeared.
Because of the pandemic’s restrictions on activities, there is a sense of anxiety. Online learning CANVAS embroidery art therapy is also popular. The embroidery thread shuttles in the grid, quiet and patient, and builds a firm firewall, waiting for a safe future.